Aquatic Feed Problems and Solutions

2022/11/09 13:27

First: The surface of the particle is uneven

1. It has a great impact on the appearance of the finished product. In addition, it is easy to collapse when put into water, and the utilization rate is low. The main reasons are:

(1) The raw materials were crushed too coarse, and failed to fully mature and soften in the process of conditioning, and could not be well combined with other raw materials through the die hole.

(2) In the aquatic feed formula with high crude fiber content, steam bubbles are included in the raw materials during the conditioning process. When the particles are pressed, the bubbles burst due to the difference between the pressure inside and outside the mold, resulting in uneven surface of the particles.

2. Treatment Measures:

(1) Control the crushing

At present, in the production of fish material, the bulk raw material is used 1.2mm sieve sheet micro-powder, to control the use frequency of sieve sheet and the wear degree of hammer sheet, to ensure the fineness of crushing.

(2) Control steam pressure

According to the formula, the steam pressure should be adjusted reasonably during production, generally 0.2. Because there are more crude fiber raw materials in the aquatic feed formula, better quality steam and reasonable conditioning time are needed.

Second: The water resistance of particles is poor

1. This kind of problem is the most common problem in our daily production, which is generally related to the following factors:

(1) Short tempering time, low tempering temperature, resulting in uneven or inadequate tempering, low maturation, insufficient moisture.

(2) Lack of adhesive raw materials such as starch.

(3) Compression ratio is too low.

(4) the oil content and crude fiber raw material proportion in the formula is too large.

(5) grinding size factor.

2. Treatment Measures:

(1) Improve the steam quality, adjust the blade Angle of the conditioner, extend the conditioning time, and appropriately improve the moisture of raw materials.

(2) Adjust the formula, appropriately increase the starch raw materials, reduce the ratio of fat and crude fiber raw materials.

(3) Increase the binder when necessary. (Sodium bentonite slurry)

(4) Improve the compression ratio

(5) Control the fineness of crushing

Third: Particles contain too much powder

1. It is difficult for general pellet feed to ensure its appearance after cooling and before screening. What customers say most is that there are more fine ash and powder in the particles.

A. the particle surface is not smooth, the incision is not neat, loose particles are easy to produce powder, etc.;

B. classification screen screening is not complete, screen blocking, rubber ball wear serious, screen mesh aperture mismatch;

C. There is more residual fine ash in the finished product warehouse, and the clearance is not complete;

D. packaging called dust removal has hidden dangers;

Handling Measures:

A. Optimize the formula structure, select the ring mold reasonably, and control the compression ratio.

B. In the pelleting process, control the conditioning time, feeding amount and pelleting temperature to make the raw materials fully mature and soften.

C. ensure that the particle section is neat, use the soft cutting knife made of strip steel.

D. adjust and overhaul the classification screen, the use of reasonable mesh configuration.

E. The secondary screening process under the finished product warehouse can greatly reduce the powder ratio column.

F. finished warehouse, line cleaning should be timely, in addition, it is necessary to improve the packaging of dust removal device, it is best to use negative pressure for dust removal, more ideal. Especially in the process of packaging, packers should be regularly on the packaging buffer bucket percussion cleaning dust.
