How to Calculate the Protein Content in Feed and the Function of Protein in Feed

2023/02/27 13:39

How to Calculate the Protein Content in Feed and the Function of Protein in Feed

How to calculate the protein content in 100 kg feed

1. Calculate the protein content in 100kg feed. Firstly, check the nutritional value table of feed to obtain the content of raw protein in feed.

2. Take feed formula as an example: Of the corn and soybean meal types, 65 are corn, 10 are wheat bran, and 18 are soybean meal. The protein content of corn is 8%, the protein content of wheat bran is 14.3%, and the protein content of soybean meal is 43%. Then the formula for calculating protein content of this feed is 65×8%+10×14.3%+18×43%=5.2+1.43+7.74 = 14.37.

How to Calculate the Protein Content in Feed and the Function of Protein in Feed

How to Calculate the Protein Content in Feed and the Function of Protein in FeedHow to Calculate the Protein Content in Feed and the Function of Protein in Feed

The Function of protein in Feed

1, Protein is one of the most important material basis of life activities, its role in the feed has the irreplaceable role of other nutrients. It is the most basic material composed of animals, is a necessary material for life activities, when the carbohydrate and fat supply animal heat energy is insufficient, protein can also be decomposed in the body to release energy, to supply animal needs.

2. Protein feed is rich in nutrition, which is conducive to the absorption and utilization of feeding animals. At the same time, animal protein feed also contains rich vitamins, especially vitamin B2 and B12. This kind of feed also has a special nutritional effect, that is, it contains an unknown growth factor, which can promote the utilization of nutrients in animals and stimulate growth and reproduction to varying degrees

How to Calculate the Protein Content in Feed and the Function of Protein in FeedHow to Calculate the Protein Content in Feed and the Function of Protein in Feed

Jinan Bright Machinery Co., Ltd specializes in the production of a variety of twin screw extruder can be used for the production of different feed, welcome to consult