Fortified Rice Prodution Line Installation and Running

2022/09/20 15:47

Recently, our company completed the installation and testing of 300 kg per hour nutrient-enriched fortified rice production line, and the machine is running well. 

The machine model is a new 75 square barrel extruder, equipped with built-in water cooling system, oil filtration and oil cooling system, suitable for rice production, long service life. 

The whole machine is controlled by Delta frequency converter and PLC touch screen, the operation is simple, safe and reliable

Fortified rice is a finished rice that is made by adding some nutrients that the human body lacks or needs in ordinary rice. The fortifier used for rice fortification contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Fortified nutritional rice makes rice nutrition more balanced, can ensure consumers to obtain the basic nutritional needs including micronutrients, gradually control and eliminate the two major malnutrition, nutritional insufficiency and nutritional imbalance.

The distribution of nutrients in rice grains is very unbalanced, and a large number of nutrients are inevitably lost in the processing process, and these nutrients are often necessary for the human body, so long-term consumption of high-precision rice will cause the deficiency of some nutrients. At present, because of the taste and appearance of the commodity, people are more and more inclined to eat high-precision rice, which in turn contradicts the intake of certain nutrients. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to produce fortified rice with artificially added nutrients.

Fortified Rice Prodution Line Installation and Running

Fortified Rice Prodution Line Installation and Running